Israel-Gaza live updates: Half of Gaza population pushed south in 3 weeks, UNRWA says

Israel-Gaza live updates

Israel-Gaza live updates: Half of Gaza population pushed south in 3 weeks, UNRWA says

“In the wake of an unprecedented surprise attack by the militant group Hamas on Israel on October 7, and Israel’s subsequent response with a bombing campaign and a complete blockade of the Gaza Strip, the region teeters on the brink of full-scale conflict. Thousands have lost their lives, and thousands more have suffered injuries as a result.

According to Philippe Lazzarini, the Commissioner General for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), in the past three weeks, one million individuals were forcibly displaced from the northern areas of the Gaza Strip to the south. This mass displacement accounts for half of Gaza’s population, as per Lazzarini’s statement.

Lazzarini emphasized the dire situation in Gaza, stating, ‘I have said many times, and I will say it again, no place is safe in Gaza.’ Currently, more than 670,000 displaced individuals are taking shelter in overcrowded UNRWA schools and buildings.

The U.S. State Department’s spokesperson, Matt Miller, mentioned that Hamas has placed certain demands for reopening the Rafah border crossing between Egypt and Gaza to foreign nationals, including the 500 to 600 Americans stranded in Gaza. Miller noted that discussions are ongoing to address these demands but did not specify their nature.”

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